Ye Olde Milk Jug Skulls

Milk jug skulls are nothing new.  They've been around since at least 2013, when Devil's Eve 66 shared his method on YouTube.

It's a great use of material usually discarded, and a great way to make a bunch of skulls cheaply without a mold or a vacuum forming machine.

These days, there are dozens of people sharing this method.  These are the first such skulls I made.

I like these skulls because they are cheap, lightweight, waterproof, and "pre-textured".  Sure, you can corpse them just like any skull, but the process already puts a lot of character into them.  

Since I would consider these more as background props, the built-in texture works great for me.  If you can get hold of a skull, a heat gun, and some plastic jugs, give this a try.  You just might have catacombs in your future!

Happy Halloween!



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