The House of Marrow

Even if you've never heard of the House of Marrow, there's a good chance you've seen this image: 

It's usually accompanied by a blurb telling of a "true life" murderer who displayed his victim as a gruesome display to his unsuspecting neighbors.  Ah, social media!  Where would common sense be without you?

In reality, this magnificent piece is the work of "Theo" in New Zealand.  Apparently Halloween is not a big deal "down under", but there are fans - and talented ones at that!

I imagine it really ups the creep factor if no one is really thinking of Halloween, or decorating for it, and suddenly one comes upon something like this in a field!

Theo seems to love Halloween and brings a great organic style to his displays.



Theo made a pilgrimage to Pennsylvania in 2018 to collaborate with Pumpkinrot on a haunt they called "Church".

Not much has been heard of Theo since 2019.  Maybe he has been toiling away, perfecting some new horrors for the people of New Zealand.  Wherever he is, you can be sure that his disturbing scarecrow will be circulating the internet for the gullible and the appreciative alike!

House of Marrow Blog HERE

Happy Halloween!


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