The Beast of DryRot Gulch

Once upon a time, a respected scientist lost his wife.  Driven to obsession looking for the secret to immorality to bestow upon his daughter, he did unspeakable things.

Eventually he was driven out of town and went into hiding in DryRot Gulch.  

There, he gave refuge to a powerful witch and their unholy alliance wrought even more horrors.

Including this guy.

At a 99Cent store they had this thin silver skull mask,  It was a skull but the nose and eyes were just a smooth hemisphere.

I loved the eyeless Giger-esque skull but being entirely silver ruined the sculpt for me.  

I masked off the upper portion and repainted the rest to make the skull features really pop.  I added some latex around the eye area to look like torn skin, and a little creepy cloth to make a hood.  

My cyborg Beast had a face!  

Happy Halloween!



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