The AZ Halloween Marketplace


Back in 2016, the AZHaunters group had a post-Halloween yard sale.  Some haunters came and sold stuff they did not need anymore to other haunters.  A good time was had by the few dozed who attended.

In 2017, an event called "Thrill Halloween", which had been scheduled for the last weekend of September, suddenly cancelled the event.  This cancellation was about a month before the event was supposed to happen, leaving everyone who was looking forward to this event high and dry.

AZHaunters stepped up again and arranged a pre-Halloween yard sale for the same date the other event was supposed to happen.  This time, local artisans left cold by Thrill Halloween were invited as well.  It was called The Haunted Swap Meet, and anyone could participate free of charge.
The response was overwhelming for the little neighborhood.  Cars lined up literally as far as the eye could see.  No less than 600 people, and maybe as many as 1,000, came and bought nearly everything they could see.  People who set up in the morning sold out and left, making room for others in the afternoon.  Maybe there was something to this "swap meet" idea.

By staying out of the "convention center" type spaces, the event could be low-cost for everyone.  Could it really be made into an ongoing event?

In 2018 AZHaunters went much bigger, renting a parking lot form a local college. Again, this was the last weekend of September and again, both "yard sale" type tables and local artisans participated.  A local hearse club displayed their custom hearses.  Food trucks sold treats.  Over 2,100 people came to get their Halloween fix.  Cars filled up the parking lot and again lined the streets.

Flyer for the 2019 Haunted Swap Meet
In 2019, They went bigger again, getting a 14,000 square foot space inside a dying mall.  The entire
mall parking lot was open for patrons.  The hearse club returned.  A local Ghostbuster group joined. 

 Internationally known pumpkin carver Ray Villafane showed up and carved a pumpkin for the crowd.

Over 6,000 people attended.  They lined up from the inside of the mall, down the hall, out the door, and
around the building.  Artisans and private sellers alike had a banner day.  Because of the quality of the artisans involved, the decision was made to change the name from mildly self-deprecating, "The Haunted Swap Meet" to the more accurate AZ Halloween Marketplace.

Then it happened.  In 2020 the world ended.  Things were quieting down somewhat by September, and plans were in place at the same mall to do another event but with MUCH more floor space to meet social distancing guidelines.  Just before things happened, the mall owners sold the property.  All the existing stores had to close, and the 2020 Marketplace was done before it got started.

In 2021 AZHaunters again went looking for a venue large enough to hold so many people and make a great experience.  Once again, they found a place and once again, before they could get it going, the property was sold and the new owners had no interest.

It looked like the end.  Between insane inflation and even worse inflation in the real estate market, no one wanted to talk to a small group looking to book a single weekend.  What spaces there were, Spirit Halloween had "dibs" on, being able to lease for 3 months at a time.  

Some hard decisions had to be made.  Forget the whole thing or try a different approach?  Well, this year, The AZ Halloween Marketplace will indeed return.  It's in a different kind of venue - a huge courtyard adjacent to a restaurant. 

Personally, I am looking forward to attending.  Will the crowds be huge?  Will they be smaller?  Only time will tell.  I am hoping the whole thing will be a huge success.  There are still too few Halloween events here in the desert, and AZHaunters has put an unbelievable amount of work into making this one happen.

Date: Saturday 9/24/2022 
Time: 11AM - 5PM
Location: The Horny Toad Glendale – 6729 N 57th Dr, Glendale, AZ 85301

Learn more about it here.

Happy Halloween!


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