Haunt Layout

I have a specific area where I can build a haunt.  

To make the best use of space and to understand how much material I will need, I have to come up with a plan.

This is the method I use.  Everyone has their own.  I share this in case you might find it useful.

I have the measurements for my area.  I get a large sheet of paper and draw a grid of 1" squares on it.  I got a roll of 18" wide paper at an art store.  Any sufficiently large paper would do.

1" on my grid = 1' of space in the haunt.  My haunt is currently made up of pallets, so I cut strips of foamcore to represent 4' wide pallet panels.

This allows me to put panels anywhere I wish, to quickly rearrange them, and to see opportunities.

Once it's all figured out, I make the corresponding lines on the grid darker and that's the plan I use to build the haunt.

The layout shown was a WIP, but one feature remained.  At the bottom of the picture you can see a long stretch with no walls intersecting it.  This was my access while building the haunt.  Eventually the crosspiece was added, but not before I had almost everything else in place.  This made the work much faster.  I find using this planning method helps me visualize not only the final haunt, but little details like this as well.

I know there are CAD programs out there, and other methods.  This is the one I use and I hope it will be useful to someone else as well.

Happy Halloween!



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