Ray Villafane

 Ray Villafane may be the world's most famous pumpkin carver.  I first became aware of him back in 2014 when he did a pilot for "Carvers" on SyFy.  The show did not become a series, but it did get his name out there.  

I had seen his stuff before, I just did not know who it was.  Those crazy-amazing pumpkins carved like real faces were all over the internet but I had no idea who was behind them.

I was lucky enough to meet Ray soon after he had filmed his pilot.  We both live in the Phoenix area and he happened to come by a show I was selling my art at.

Ray brings a LOT of natural elements into his work.  He spends hours and days hiking through the desert and mountains.  He often finds amazing branches, roots, and other things that find their way into his characters.
Check out "Grimgore"!

These days, Ray runs the "Boneyard Mining Company" at Vulture City Ghost Town near Wickenburg, AZ.  

Happy Hallwoeen!



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