House of Restless Spirits

 From 2007 to 2013, the House of Restless Spirits haunt in Santa Monica thrilled Halloween lovers looking for something other than jump scares and chainsaws.

People would line up around the block and stand in line for hours to walk AROUND this house, peeking into windows to see ghostly images and haunted happenings.

Inspired by the Hallowed Haunting Grounds, professional magician Eric Maurin and aerospace engineer Rick Ouwerkerk created what was called "the spookiest and most subtle yard haunt in Los Angeles".

Every scene was an illusion.  People glancing into the rain barrel might see Koi swimming there, or the ghostly face of the Captain.  A piano player materialized and played the piano, then disappeared.   A candelabra floated mysteriously across the room.  

It's a shame it was over before I found out about it.  It would have been a sight to see!

Unfortunately, the official website is flash based, so almost no one can still see it.

  Their official Facebook page is HERE.


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