Asian Horror

 There's just something different about East Asia. China, Korea, Japan, Indonesia, etc. all have ghosts, vampires, even zombies.
There is something different about them, though, from a Western perspective.
Even the slasher / psycho killer stories are different.

Maybe they are more intense than American and Canadian movies. It's more than that, though. The culture brings a different aesthetic to film. The stories themselves have different motivations, different twists.

I encourage anyone interested in new and different horror to check out what is available from the Far East.

I put together a playlist on YouTube to help people get started. I really believe that by watching horror from Asia, you will start to see things just a little differently, and to create haunts that stand apart from the norm - in a good way!


Happy Halloween!


  1. I agree--definitely a different world of horror. I find Asian Horror to be more psychologically thrilling than American Horror. The darker the better!

    1. Thanks for stopping by!
      Would love to hear about your favorite Asian horror.


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