Marrow Thatch

Where 50s Halloween, Old-School Monsters, and Whimsey intersect, Steamcrow can be found. 
Steamcrow, the Steamcrow Army, and Monster Rangers are the brainchild of artist Daniel Davis. 

 The mascot of Steamcrow is Marrow Thatch - a steam powered scarecrow.

Marrow Thatch photo by by Bradford Jones

According to legend, "Marrow Thatch was 'born' in June, 1903 on the Black Acre Farm, just outside of Claytin, Washington. He was brought to life in a freak electrical storm, carried there by a puzzling purple cloud."

There has been more than one incarnation of Marrow Thatch but this one from 2012 and 2013 is my favorite by far.  Look at the carving on the eyes and mouth!  I have never seen this on any other JoL.  It's just gorgeous.

Photo by by Bradford Jones

I love the menace in the face, but in the end, it's that fjord-like carving of the edges that really draws me to this design.

Photo by by Bradford Jones
Photo by by Bradford Jones

Photo by Thomas Healy
Photo by Thomas Healy

More Steamcrow HERE

Happy Halloween!


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