Hillbilly Cannibals

 "Hillbillies want to be called 'Sons of the Soil' but it ain't gonna happen!"
~ Dr. Julius Hibbert, The Simpsons

Probably my favorite of the cannibal hillbilly haunts, Hellbilly Holler has some great stuff built from the bones of its victims.  Very creepy aesthetic.

Photo by Michaela Nastasia

Nice lighting on the haunt, I think!  A little bit surreal, highlighting the gruesome trophies.  Just what a haunt should be. 

Photo by Michaela Nastasia
Photo by Michaela Nastasia

Hellbilly Holler won the 2020 AZ Haunter's Awards, a contest where haunters in AZ submit videos of their haunts.  Those who win one year become ineligible to compete in the next year and are invited to become judges.
Photo by Michaela Nastasia

It's easy to see why their creepy aesthetic was considered a top haunt!

Check out more of their pictures HERE 

Their website HERE

Happy Halloween!


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