2021 Haunt Pics

 In 2021 I did a "dark haunt".  Meaning virtually no light.  The experience was intended to be primarily one of sound, scent and feel.  Hard to photograph.  Visitors traversed the dark tunnels beneath DryRot Gulch in search of The Witch.  

However, there was one room, the Witch's Lair, which was lit by torches.

Inside that room were totems the witch had infused with power.  Here is one of them before installing the ceiling:

The totem incorporates real bones - skull, jawbones, spine, and various chicken bones.

The walls and ceiling were all brown craft paper, crumpled and painted to look more like rock.

Here are the totems in place after the ceiling was installed and the torches lit



After everything was in place, I burned weeds in the place and really infused it with a heavy smoky scent.  It was convincing enough that some people thought they were breathing smoke, though it had all dissipated hours before.

Happy Halloween!


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