The Whites of Their Eyes - Building Fear Part 4

 Seeing a lot of the sclera (the whites of the eyes) can put people on edge.

In the journal Science from December 17, 2004, Paul Whalen and others published a paper with the catchy title, "Human Amygdala Responsivity to Masked Fearful Eye Whites".

I know, can't wait to see the movie, right?  :-)

Without getting too deep, the relevant thing for us is the amygdala plays a major part in creating a state of vigilance.  We see people with wide open eyes and a signal goes out - "what's going on here?"

It grabs your attention and at some level makes you feel there is a threat nearby.  

Let's say you walk into a darkened room.  At the other end are two figures.  Are they props or people?  Not quite sure.  Though both have masks, one seems to have eyes WIDE open, staring at you.  Neither moves.  You are unsure what is going on, you are making eye contact with this thing, your brain is heightening your that anxiety raising up in your subconscious?

Five seconds, six... suddenly BOTH figures pop up and maybe lunge.  That screaming you hear?  That's you!

The neuroscience of fear can get a response even from people who know what is happening, because it goes right past the gatekeepers and into our basic instincts.

How will you use this?

Happy Halloween!


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