Dracula's cabbage roll recipe was published in It Came from the Kitchen: Monstrously Delicious Celebrity Recipes from Dracula, Frankenstein, The Wolf Man, & Assorted Aliens And Beyond! by Geoff Isaac & Gordon Reid .

May be a great addition to your feast this Thursday!


1 head of cabbage
1 pound lean ground beef (or alternative)
3/4 cup cooked rice
1/2 cup onion (finely chopped)
1/2 can of tomato soup
1 large egg
1 1/2 teaspoons paprika
1 1/2 teaspoons salt
1 teaspoon pepper
½ teaspoon powdered garlic or chopped garlic cloves
Finely diced mushrooms may be added.
Diced peppers may also be added as a compliment to the onion.
1 jar of sauerkraut
caraway seeds


Boil a big head of cabbage whole. That makes it is easier to cut off the root base and boil the leaves loose. Make sure to notch the individual leaves to get rid of the thickest part, which makes rolling and folding easier.

Use cooking oil to prepare a pan and preheat the oven to 350 degrees. Hungarian versions of the recipe use a layer of sauerkraut at the bottom of the baking dish, as well as a topping. 

The basic filling consists of the meat, cooked rice, diced onion and paprika. The meat can be a pork/beef/sausage combo, ground turkey or a vegan substitution. Use half a can of tomato soup for binding, just enough to let you shape fillings like elongated meatballs. 

Get an individual cabbage leaf and stuff with the filling. Unless you have really enormous cabbage leaves, you can make things easier by closing each roll with a wooden toothpick or two before baking. 

This is really delicious and easy, but it’s important to drain the sauerkraut very well and press/squeeze out extra liquid before using. You can also top with tomato soup and caraway seeds can also be sprinkled on top before popping in the oven.

Cook in over at 350 degrees for one hour. 

Happy Halloween!


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