Proportions - Building Fear, Part 2

          Far back in the mists of time, Zombietronix shared a very useful chart to help haunters making zombies get the various parts proportionally correct.  Something like this:

          This may be helpful to you when making your own creatures.  Obviously, this is true if you want a "normal" looking human, but it is also nice for creating the inhuman.  
One way to bring people into the "Uncanny Valley" is to make limbs unnaturally long or short.

          Short legs and long arms look simian.  Long arms and legs start to look insectile or spidery.  Bending them in unusual ways can't hurt, either!

    The charts don't mention hands or feet, but clearly long spindly fingers add a creep factor, as does asymmetry.  Witness Pumpkinrot's Sentinels!

            Take these charts and use them if they are helpful.  Would love to see what you come up with!

Happy Halloween!


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