Abandoned Train Tunnel

 Running across the state of Arizona is a feature known as the Mogollon Rim.  About 12 miles from the Eastern entrance to Rim Road 300, there is a trail. 

 That trail eventually leads to a spot where men once attempted to tunnel right through the heart of the state.

They failed, or at least stopped, but the hole remains.


The atmosphere of a place like this can't be faked.  Can't you just imagine creeping in here at night with just candlelight?  

The combined smells of the stone, the earth, and the ponderosa permeate the place.  Ash from long-dead fires covers the ground.

Up here, so far from a road, you might hear only wind, falling rocks, coyotes calling one another.  Those sounds may enter the tunnel from only one direction, and they are weirdly changed as they are gathered in the stone chamber and reflected off the irregular rocks.  

It may not be a natural cave, but it hits a lot of the same buttons.  It could be shelter but it might already shelter something else...

What I would do to have a place like this to haunt!

Happy Halloween!


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