Collection of the Accursed - Wine!

In 2019, divers discovered wine from the 1600s in a shipwreck at the bottom of the North Sea.
300+ years at the bottom of the see has marbled the glass to a shell-like sheen. The auction house selling the wine covered the ancient corks with wax. Now, this was a merchant ship on its way to sell goods, but what if it was a pirate ship? What if...
In 1690, pirates boarded the French merchant ship Esprit Fidèle and stole as much as they could carry, including 14 bottles of wine. The merchant crew was killed and the ship was burned. The captain took the wine as part of his share of the booty.
The captain opened a bottle and shared it with his first mate and the ship doctor. That night, a fierce storm came out of nowhere, catching the crew by surprise. The first mate, who had been on watch, was struck unconscious by the fore boom. The doctor ran to help and was knocked over the railing when a wave crashed into the ship. The crew went to see why the captain had not responded to the storm. They found him lying unconscious in a pool of red wine spilled from the open bottle. The unopened bottles were rolling account the cabin, unsecured. The first mare never regained consciousness and died the next day. The captain awoke, but was completely mad. He raved about avenging ghosts and the flames of Hell. Moments before he died, he screamed, "¡La venganza está en el vino!". Revenge is in the wine!
The British Navy sank the ship the next day. About 1/2 the sailors aboard were taken prisoner to tell the tale.
In 2019 treasure hunters found the ship after investigating the story of the cursed wine. Each of the 13 bottles was recovered and sold at auction, and this is one of them!

Supplemental - did you know a 1,650 year old bottle of wine is in a museum in Germany?  What stories could that thing tell?
Happy Halloween!


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