Collection of the Accursed - The Mundane

 Not every cursed object is exotic or made of exotic materials.

The “graveyard quilt,” by Elizabeth Roseberry Mitchell, dates to 1843 and memorializes family members who had died, including her sons.  Maybe a similar quilt has empty spaces that fill themselves in when someone who has used it dies?

The Graveyad Quilt
The Conjure Chest looks like any other chest, yet it is said to be cursed.  A slave was ordered to make a chest, then beaten to death by the man who'd ordered him.  Surviving slaves got a "conjure man" to curse the chest.  Anyone who used it met an untimely death.

The Conjure Chest.  Image Source
Not a bad story, and it could be applied to any cheap dresser.  If it is grunged up a bit, so much the better.  What if one of the deaths was in a fire, and the chest was singed too?

Thomas Busby's chair is just an ordinary chair cursed by the convict moments before being hanged.  The story is anyone who sits in it dies.  Of course, anyone who sits in any chair eventually dies, but maybe these people die sooner than expected.  Anyway, any old chair can fill a similar niche in a museum.  Mounting it on a wall for patron's protection is a nice theatrical touch.

This VHS tape doesn't have a story, but it reminds me of The Ring, and its condition suggests a pretty intense past.  Could be an easy addition to the museum!
What happened here?

Happy birthday!


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