
 On Halloween night in 1992, BBC1 aired what it claimed was a live broadcast from inside a haunted house.

The story was that a malevolent ghost called "Pipes" was terrorizing a Pam Early and her daughters, Pam and Suzanne.  The reporters followed the action "live", documenting the occurrences.

The presence of trusted presenters, along with the quality of the production, convinced thousands of people that the events depicted on screen were genuine, and taking place live.

“It’s Pipes, Mum…Pipes is here.”

Reportedly, many children and even adults were frightened and some were traumatized by what they saw. 

In the wake of all the complaints, the movie was sequestered away for
decades.  Some people claim to still suffer PTSD from the show.

No creaking gates, no Gothic towers, no shuttered windows. Yet for the past 10 months this house has been the focus of an astonishing barrage of supernatural activity. – Michael Parkinson in Ghostwatch

Seven YEARS before the release of The Blair Witch Project, BBC TV had invented the "found footage" horror genre!

"Ghostwatch" was made available in 2002, and can be watched free on

Happy Halloween!


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