Collection of the Accursed

 A Museum of Cursed Objects would be a creepy and cool addition to many haunts.   Just about ANY object can be considered "cursed" or even "haunted".  

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Any search of cursed objects will uncover such mundane objects as a kitchen chair, jewelry, even an Elmo doll.  Scarier objects are easily found at any thrift store.

So what makes them cursed?  The STORY!  The original "Annabelle" is just a Raggedy Anne doll.  A doll with a story. The story could be told explicitly by a sign or a guide, or even just careful set dressing.

In the Warren Occult Museum, Annabelle is imprisoned in a case with some a padlock, religious iconography, a "do not open" sign, and a tarot card pinned to it.  I'm sure this is all absolutely necessary, and not a theatrical way to make the doll seem scary at all.  Still, similar accouterments could be applied to any thrift store doll.

Despite all the precautions, somehow, Annabelle apparently escaped and got caught on camera. Good thing they were using an intelligent security camera which knew when and where to zoom in.  I know this is totally not something that could be faked, but what if it could be?  Like, by a haunter?

In a well-stocked museum of the accursed, maybe a few larger or more prominent objects can be rigged to give patrons a thrill?  A simple linear actuator could push a doll up against the door of its enclosure.  The lock could keep it from falling out, and thus would only need to be reversed to reset.

In the future, I'll make a few suggestions for some haunted objects haunters might just like.

Happy Halloween!


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