Collection of the Accursed - Funereal Items

Grave Marker

 Ah, graveyards!  is there any place where ghosts seem more likely? Before the headstone arrives, a grave may be marked with a temporary marker like this one.  What if the object was stolen, and the intended resident of the plot could not move on until it was returned?  More sinister, what if such a marker was used to curse someone still walking around, to hasten their arrival to the grave?

Porcelain Tombstone Portrait
You may have seen some tombstones with portraits embedded in them.  Portraits in porcelain, like this one, occasionally fall out over time.  This one fell out while a cemetery was being moved, and the cemetery was unable to determine which stone it belonged to.  It must be distressing for the family, if not for the deceased.

Many times these are stolen.  They are not too hard to prise loose and seem to be popular with teens.  Seems like a curse may just follow such stolen objects!

Victorian Memorial Photo

More often seen at a memorial service than graveside, memorial photos like this one are still found today.  Perhaps the person in the photo was wronged in life, and all who gaze upon the photographic visage will be cursed until the wrong is righted!

Mourning Locket
A melancholy reminder  of a loved one lost too soon, the mourning locket carries more than a photo and a lock of hair.  It carries memories, love, and loss.
Such an object, carried for many years near a broken heart, cannot help but be infused with the emotions of the wearer.  
It might be wise to keep such things away from one's own heart!

Some thoughts for your possible inspiration.
Happy Halloween!


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